
Roadkill Clarinet Program

To complete the Roadkill Clarinet Quintet trinity, we have the program ...

I decided to put three on a ledger size (11"x17") sheet. Following the all blue background on the poster and ticket (shown on the right) is logical, but when using reverse text -- white on blue in this case -- it's sometimes difficult to read, especially with a smaller font, so I dropped that one.

On the left, I kept the intent of the poster with the band name and photo on the blue. But I'm not really a fan of putting the play list in two columns. Though I like the blue box at the bottom, it doesn't seem like an effective use of space.

In the center, I think we have a winner. Two columns: one for the evening's program, and any other relevant info in the other. Since there was ample space leftover, I thought it would nice to promote the annual Lunch & Learn series.

But as I got into designing the pieces for the Lunch & Learn, the space in the program was pitifully small. As a result, I expanded the program onto a letter size sheet, which, when folded in half, gives us four pages. Now, I could mirror the poster on the cover, and do the same with Lunch & Learn on the back. Inside, the audience can read about the players, and I borrowed from the bubbles on the front to punch up the play list.

 (left) Front and back covers. (right) Inside.

Lesson: If you're going to cross-promote, you better do it right.

Next week: With all the talk of Lunch & Learn ...

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